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Churrie, Mae, and the new Principal’s Office

If ever you go to Honduras with FoHC, Churrie and Mae are at the airport to greet you. They take care of all the brigaders, ensuring excellent translation services when needed. All details of the trip are taken care of in a professional and thoughtful manner. They are...

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Education & Awarness Brigade (December 2-9, 2018)

Dan Durst along with board members, Anne Morawetz and Don Bocking will be travelling to Honduras. Five of the twelve going are first time brigaders. Plans include a Christmas party (with fried chicken, a favourite) for the children at the Children's Village, helping...

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Pictures from Reyes Irene Valenzuela School for Girls

Choni, the director of Reyes Irene Girls’ School and Mary Jaynes, FoHC board member while on tour at the school in the fall of 2017.           The students at Reyes Irene school present their stories through song poetry and presentation to all...

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English Classes in the Children’s Village

The Saturday morning English classes that are offered on Saturdays to children in Nuevo Paraiso Children's Village continue to be a success, thanks to the high-quality instruction provided by ESL teacher Luis Aguilar. Luis teaches four different classes with a total...

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Grace Brigade (November 16-28, 2018)

Thirteen brigaders from Grace United Church will be travelling to Honduras to undertake an other build project at the Nuevo Children’s Village. Continuing with Friends of Hondurans Children’s strategic plan for the village we will construct new washroom facilities at...

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Summer Sports Program at the Children’s Village

We are happy to let you know that the very successful summer sports program at the Children's Village will run again this coming December, January and February when the children are out of school. The December 2-9th brigade is taking 90+ towels to go with the 90+...

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25th Anniversary Celebration Followup

Sunday afternoon, October 14th, over 50 people gathered at McDonnel St. Activity Centre to celebrate FoHC. Jim McCallum spoke about the early days and his work with Sister Maria Rosa. David Cain, past president created a wonderful video of archival footage along with...

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Global Kids Initiative

Friends of Honduran Children’s Education Committee is launching a new initiative called “Global Kids”. This 90-minute educational program, which is designed to help local children learn more about children around the world, will be offered to grade 2 teachers at...

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Feliz Navidad from Nuevo Paraiso

Jan Carlos is delighted to display the Christmas tree he made to celebrate the holiday. As you read this, the children in Nuevo Paraiso are as excited as children in Canada about Christmas. But what is Christmas like for them? It is a tradition in Honduras to have a...

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Thank You for Your Life-Changing Catalogue Gifts

In the short time since our Gift Catalogue launched last year, you have given almost $6,000 with your donations. Gifts have ranged from a laptop to vitamins and medicines for the children in the village. Many of you have chosen gifts that will help children in the...

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