You Can Give the Gift that Keeps on Giving…

June 08, 2017
Our Print and Online Gift Catalogue have launched!

We were so thrilled to launch our Gift Catalogue in the fall, just in time for Christmas. The catalogue has so many items that will make a difference in Honduras such as: Textbooks and workbooks, garden barrels, hygiene products, and mattresses to name a few.

Since the catalogue launched we have been able to provide:

  • 8 – Attendance bursaries to girls to help keep them in school
  • 8 – Food bags for families in rural areas
  • 11 – Weeks of healthy lunches for girls at the Reyes Irene Girls School
  • 1 – Mosquito Net and window Screening
  • 1 – Mattress
  • 10 – Textbooks and workbooks for ESL Students
  • 1 – Uniform and Book bag. These are necessary in order to attend school

In addition to this your donations also went towards: play equipment, Christmas gifts, vitamins and medicines for our health care brigades, and funds to go towards the Futures Fund which helps to transition the children out of our children’s village.







With Father’s day around the corner this would be a great way to honour the special men in your life. It could be a gift for your father, son, grandfather or in memory of your father.

These items make great gifts for birthdays, teacher gifts, Christmas gifts and more! Browse our Gift Catalogue today to select your gift and make a difference. We can also mail you a print version upon request

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