Grace Brigade (November 16-28, 2018)
October 08, 2018
Thirteen brigaders from Grace United Church will be travelling to Honduras to undertake an other build project at the Nuevo Children’s Village. Continuing with Friends of Hondurans Children’s strategic plan for the village we will construct new washroom facilities at the elementary school. With the ever growing enrolment the existing washrooms are overworked and outdated. Last years construction was a jointly shared space for the principals office and an infirmary. Principal Gloria was overjoyed to have her own space, as the classroom she was using was needed for a teaching area. While at the village we connect with the children and staff, spending time playing with the children,doing crafts and getting to know our sponsor children better. We visit rural mountain schools each year delivering much needed school supplies and food bags to each family. What an amazing feeling it is to visit a school you helped build on a previous trip, to interact with the children and leave knowing you played a part in giving them an education and a brighter future. On Sundays after church we take day trips to visit surrounding villages, perhaps another orphanage or some of the sights in the capital city of Tegucigalpa. Some of the group have been on many trips; this year we are happy to have 3 new brigadiers to share this adventure with. Each year introduces new opportunities to build relationships that will last long after we’ve returned home.